Discover how ARS’s patented FlexiBowl® is the perfect parts feeding system to handle swabs in the USA’s fight against the pandemic ARS Automation’s patented FlexiBowl® technology has emerged as a critical parts feeding system to handle swabs and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in the U.S. supply chain. Distinguished U.S. companies, recognized by the U.S. Department...
We are glad to present the new Flexibowl 200, our compact solution, ideal for tiny components. Fast, efficient and very affordable. Available in 2020. Interested to do some evaluations? Send your components at the earliest convenience.
Introduction to FlexiBowl® FlexiBowl® is a leading solution in the field of flexible feeding systems for industrial automation. Developed as a response to increasing production volumes and a variety of objects being produced, the FlexiBowl® system provides a highly integrated and connected technology that aims to drastically speed up development and production. What is FlexiBowl®...
Multiple products can now be fed independently on the same FlexiBowl®. Check out below our multiple parts feeder.